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Redefining Dry Eye Disease
Dr. Anat Galor discusses the paradigm shift in the management of dry eye, beginning with a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms that result in ocular surface pain. While dry eye systems are identified at the ocular surface, the disease may be associated with systemic comorbidites and corneal neuropathy. The sensitivity to wind, light or dry environments that exacerbates inflammation in one patient can also provoke nonspecifc corneal pain in another. Clinicians must learn to distinguish the subtype of dry eye based on the disease mechanism. This important first step will inform diagnostic options and focus therapy on the origin of a patient's symptoms.
Link :            
 Author  Anat Galor, Bennie H. Jeng
Category                 Resources for teaching
 Language English
 Competency Cornea/External Disease
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

Red Eye Differential Diagnosis: PowerPoint Lecture for Medical Students
Susan Lightman, FRCP, FRCOphth, PhD, Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, , 2007
Link :            
 Author  Susan Lightman
Category                 Resources for teaching
 Language English
 Competency Medical Knowledge
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

Reconstruction Following Blunt Trauma
In this video Dr. Ike Ahmed manages a complex case of blunt trauma in which the patient presents with a dislocated cataract, an atonic pupil, and hypotony secondary to a cyclodialysis cleft.
Link :            
 Author  Ike Ahmed
Category                 Resources for teaching
 Language English
 Competency Cataract/Anterior Segment
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

RCSI Basic Surgical Skills Videos
The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Basic Skills Videos surgical library offers clear, simple and well illustrated short videos on basic surgical skills. While these are not specifically microsurgical skills videos, they are very useful for any surgical trainee, including ophthalmic. Basic techniques are covered, such as universal knot tying principles, horizontal and vertical mattress sutures, and subcuticular sutures using a skills board which helps the trainee to then practice the observed skills.
Link :            
 Author  The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Category                 Resources for teaching
 Language English
 Competency Patient Care
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

Puntos de Vista: Primary Eye Care Manual
This manual focuses on primary eye care tasks that can be performed by community health care workers. The manual covers vision screening and basic eye care exams which can be conducted in a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings, as well as eye care education, first aid, and primary eye care in the field.
Link :            
 Author  Migrant Clinicians Network, Interprofessional Fosteringof Ophthalmic Care for Underserved Sectors, The Rural Women Health's Project, and Community Health Education Concepts Migrant Health Branch Primary Health Care
Category                 Curricula and training programs
 Language English
 Competency Patient Care
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

PubMed Tutorial
A variety of resources for learning how to navigate and search PubMed.
Link :            
 Author  National Library of Medicine USA
Category                 Resources for teaching
 Language English
 Competency Patient Care
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

Publications: National Library of Medicine (USA)
Once you get to the link, you will see a list of all ophthalmological publications listed in the National Library of Medicine (USA). The list is sorted by publication date. To change the display of the list (once you are there): Click on "Display Settings" in the upper left hand of the screen. You will find options to change the format, how many results show per page, and the way results are sorted.
Link :            
 Author  National Library of Medicine
Category                 Resources for teaching
 Language English
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

Project "Eyemovie:" Motion Visualization of Eye Defects
Project "Eyemovie" is a computer-maniuplated video movie that is simulates the visual perception of a person suffering from vaious eye defects. This is an excellent educational tool for clinical personnel, medical students, medical doctors, and patients.
Link :            
 Author  California Institute of Technology
Category                 Resources for teaching
 Language English
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

Professional Competence Scheme Portal from Irish College of Ophthalmology
The Irish College of Ophthalmology has developed a Professional Competence Scheme (PCS) to formalize the process of career-long learning (continuing professional development) and to satisfy requirements of their Medical Council. Visit the website to learn more about their program
Link :            
 Author  Irish College of Ophthalmologists
Category                 Curricula and training programs
 Language English
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021

Prevent Blindness America
Prevent Blindness America is a volunteer eye health and safety organization dedicated to fighting blindness. The organization's website has a wealth of resources for patients and health care professionals.
Link :            
 Author  Prevent Blindness America
Category                 Resources for teaching
 Language English
 Competency Low Vision and Visual Rehabilitation
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 Date added
19 Aug 2021